銅鑼閣是一間精品服務式住宅,聳立於銅鑼灣中心地帶,鄰近多間大型商場、日資百貨公司、餐飲食肆及娛樂消閑熱點。銅鑼閣交通便捷,往來銅鑼灣地鐵站(C出口)只需徒步一分鐘。房間設備齊全,備有獨立的洗手間 。月租由港幣15500-23000,已包括水費,電費,連線寬頻上網,本地電話,每月清潔房間8次,彈性租期,由三天到一年 。
C物業地產 / 服務式住宅Causeway Corner

SERVICE: > Checking Tire Pressure > Checking & Adding Oil - Checking Engine Oil - Harley-Davidson Motorcycles - Purchase of New or Used Motorcycles - Parts & Accessories - Service & Repairs.

是本地新興起的一個自家童裝品牌, 每星期都會推出各款與別不同的新設計來迎合大眾不斷求新的要求。所有款式均可在香港各分店及本店的網站內選購, 我們更有充足的貨源及多個尺碼以供小朋友的不同所需。

studio rental 影樓出租 -- Oscool Studio是專為拍攝而打造的工作空間,位處葵芳,鄰近葵青劇院,從葵芳地鐵站C出口步行6分鐘便可到達。 Studio全場面積2,000呎,樓底約12.5呎高,特別設有22呎闊 cyclorama、獨立化妝間、洗手間、雪櫃及Wi-Fi等設施。適合商業及個人拍攝、攝影聚會、演員試鏡、教學講座、放映會及工作坊等多類型活動。歡迎查詢影樓租場。
攝影及影音 / 攝影oscool studio

本診所提供貓、狗、兔、龍貓、鳥、鼠、龜、魚類及兩棲類寵物...醫療 Our Clinic Welcomes & Cares for ALL CREATURES great or small.
寵物 / 獸醫大埔獸醫診所(珍禽・異獸) / Tai Po(All Creatures)Vet Clinic

Since 1984, Lucky has been striving to achieve total customer satisfaction in all areas of our operations, reflecting the high standards and strong brand image of Lucky product worldwide. This philos
設計 / 珠寶設計力奇發展有限公司

美容 / 纖體修身維健軒美容纖體中心

The Hong Kong Sailing Federation (HKSF), formerly Hong Kong Yachting Association, is the national authority for the sport of sailing in Hong Kong. Founded as the Hong Kong Yacht Racing Federation in

About Everfine Membership Service Ltd Everfine Membership Services Ltd. is a Hong Kong-based regional operation specializing in providing brokerage services for the sale, rental and purchase of golf &

Convention Plaza Apartments is one of the Hong Kong's most prestigious residential addresses. Located on Hong Kong Island
M物業地產 / 服務式住宅Marriott Properties (Int'l) Ltd

家居 / 園藝及戶外設備戶外天地

An 8th location, “Izi” – on Hollywood Road, Central, focuses on serviced commercial office space, making Ovolo definitively stand out among its’ peers.

8款精選烘焙咖啡豆可供挑選, 產地主要為中美洲、南美洲及非洲, 配合對咖啡有不同要求的咖啡愛好者

RED SQUARE GALLERY was founded by prominent Russian artist Anastassia Katafygiotis and it is dedicated to bringing to Hong Kong stunning artworks of well-known as well as emerging artists from parts
R消閒及娛樂 / 藝術及手工藝Red Square Gallery

Apart from being the manufacturer and exporter of pearl jewellery, Rio Pearl is also famed for wholesaling loose pearl and pearl strands in all kinds including South Sea, Tahiti Cultured, Akoya, Fres
R設計 / 珠寶設計Rio Pearl

W美容 / 髮型設計及護髮Wingkason Company Limited

screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" src="http://f20.yahoofs.com/hkblog/dTG1fyuWAx9rLk__DOT_
D美容 / 髮型設計及護髮DS專業駁髮

全新派對式影樓出租服務 地點方便鄰近葵芳鐵路站,11呎高樓底,獨立洗手間及化妝間,更設多用途場地出租時段
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